Customer Testimonials

Abtar has been involved with us from store conception to our first store opening in 2007. We are now running more than 150 stores. Abtar’s deep knowledge of building-management systems, HVAC & refrigeration systems helped us become one of the lowest energy users per square foot in the grocery industry.

– Steve Hagen, Procurement and Engineering Director, TESCO US, Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market


“I have been working with Abtar for many years. He has a deep and impressive understanding of store operations, IT infrastructure, Control system and energy technologies. He persuaded us to implement a web-based facility solution that helped us reduced our energy cost by more than 10%.”

– Wally Lindeman, Director of Facilities, Lunds Food Holding


“Abtar is very analytical and often comes with innovative solutions to a problem. He always follows through on projects and consistently over-delivers. He was loyal to his clients and always did what was right for us. ”

– Ron Jones, Energy,  CEM, Energy Specialist, Auto Industry


“Abtar has the right mix of experience in enterprise software, IT networks, mechanical systems, control systems and energy efficiency. He has a knack for looking at projects holistically. With Abtar the customer always comes first.”

– Jerry Dolinsky, CEO,  Verisae Inc.


“I had the opportunity to work with Abtar in a retrofit project for a retailer in the Northeast. Our goal was to cut energy use by 10%. With his innovative ideas and implementation, our client saved more than 20%. The payback was less than six months.”

-Kuldeep Saxena, Director, Energy Advantage